
网友投稿 2019-02-19 11:45






No matter what the animal psychologists, behaviorists, veterinarians(n. 兽医), and crazy cat ladies try to tell you, there is one simple, immutable(adj. 不变的) truth about cats: They're weird. Okay, they're also soft and fluffy, but they're mostly just weird. 



Just when you finally think you understand your cat, he or she will attack your ankles or decide the cat food you've been buying for the last six years suddenly isn't good enough anymore, and will you please take all 36 cans you just bought three days ago back to Petco(一家宠物超市) and exchange it for something else, thank you.


So does anyone really know why cats do the things they do? Not really, but veterinarians like to at least make educated guesses(有根据的猜测). And one of the biggest burning questions(急待解决的问题) about cat behavior is this one: How come sometimes your cat turns into a soft and fluffy version of the Incredible Hulk when you're in the middle of what you thought was a bonding moment?



vets have a much more sociopathic(adj. 反社会的) moniker(n. 绰号;名字) for the behavior: "petting-induced aggression." Signs of petting-induced aggression include biting while being petted(被爱抚), and staring evilly at sleeping humans from dark corners of the room.


Petting-induced aggression differs from flat-out unfriendly behavior — some cats just don't like to be petted at all, and will take a swipe at you if you try. 


There are a few theories about why some cats might do this. Kitty might be getting a small taste so she'll know what spices to add to the pot after she finally gets around to murdering you in your sleep. That one isn't generally accepted by veterinary professionals, though. 


Really, she may be trying to control the situation. The ancestor of the modern house cat was probably a solitary(adj. 孤独的;独居的) animal, so the whole social hierarchy(n. 层级;等级制度) thing is still pretty new to her. Your cat may reach a point during that moment of shared affection where she thinks, "I can't let this person think I'm actually domesticated or anything, I'd better just bite him."



That might not explain all petting-induced aggression, though. Another theory is that some cats might actually experience prolonged(adj. 延长的;拖延的;持续很久的 )petting negatively, and the biting is a reaction to that. It could be that petting actually starts to feel physically irritating to the cat when it's overdone. So maybe it literally just rubs the cat the wrong way.


Biting could also happen when a cat gets excited and decides the petting session should turn into playtime. Cats are predators(食肉动物,捕食者), after all, and they hone(锻炼,打磨) their hunting skills by batting Legos around on the floor, ambushing your ankles when you're on your way to the bathroom late at night, and possibly by biting you while you're trying to show affection. So if your particular brand of petting leans a little on the aggressive side, your cat could just be responding to that in a totally natural way.


Wear boot slippers and make sure your spices are locked up. It's the only way to be sure that petting-induced aggression doesn't evolve into something much, much more sinister.


