IELTS口语:Shoes (鞋子--适用1,3部分)

网友投稿 2018-09-21 14:28


1:How often do you buy shoes?

词汇:shopaholic(购物狂),trainers(跑鞋),sneakers(板鞋),leather shoes(皮鞋),high heels(高跟鞋),slippers(拖鞋)

句式:perhaps about... (也许大概...)

Well, I’m not a shopaholic(购物狂) like most of girls, so I only buy shoes when I really need to. so perhaps about 5times a year? I mean like trainers(跑鞋), sneakers(板鞋), leather shoes(皮鞋)/(high heels(高跟鞋)) and slippers(拖鞋).   

2.Have you ever bought shoes online?

词汇:20%off(8折), official websites(官网),reputation(信用),physical store(实体店)

句式:I can try if it fits or not.(我能试一下看看是否合适)

Yeah, I have! The price is cheaper online, and I got that pair of sneakers for about 20%off(8折). however, when we buy shoes online, it is necessary to check the reputation(信用) of the store or buy them on the official websites(官网) like or otherwise, you might get fakes(假货). But I still prefer getting shoes in the physical store(实体店) cuz I can try if it fits or not.

3.what’s your most favorite type of shoes?

词汇:mannish(男人味), rubbing(磨脚),stylish(时尚)

句式:... make me look better (...让我看上去更好看)

Ummm, maybe sneakers! Though leather shoes(high heels)make me look better , more mannish(男人味)(pretty), wearing it for long is too rubbing(磨脚), my feet hurt much. so, that’s why I love sneakers, they’re comfortable, stylish(时尚) and younger, you know like yeezy350, NIKE Air Jordan and so forth.

4.Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?

词汇:bestie(闺蜜),latest fashions(新时尚), trend(趋势),Instagram star(网红),wears(穿搭)

句式:be crazy about... (对...痴迷到疯狂)

Definitely! all pretty girls like shoes, and bags! my bestie(闺蜜) Lily is crazy about buying the latest fashions(新时尚). she checks 小红书, which is a Chinese Instagram, to find the new trend(趋势) of Instagram star’s(网红) fashionable wears(穿搭), then , she buys. you know, rich !


Shopping, online, fashion, girls ...

